Load the game to what you want then once you save grab the save and rename it Savegame.dat and, using Horzion, replace the old one that is in your file with the new one and Rehash and Resign and it will work.
Today's Null Byte covers a simple, universal way that you can hack your game saves. However, some game saves cannot be hacked easily, because the developers will sometimes put encryption in place to prevent gamers from modifying online stats and other global statistics.
Fallout Nv Save Editorl
Download File: https://shurll.com/2vK1AX
well if it can help, I wanted to change the hex of my location in my skyrim's 360 save to be able of putting me into the testinghall (which you can normally acces with the pc by typing coc qasmoke )... for what you told me, I did I do that exactly ?
Then load the game up again with the same file and try not to make ANY changes to the game OTHER than what you are trying to tweak (which could be hard to do) but say get an extra 100 bucks and do nothing else.. save the game in the same spot. 2ff7e9595c